
Celebrate your decision to follow Jesus.

Born For More

Water Baptism is going public with our decision to follow Jesus, and tell the world – our friends, our family, and our church, of the life changing decision we have made.

The Bible teaches that we should be baptised in water. We do this in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus himself showed us the significance of water baptism in Luke 3:21 “When all the people were baptised, Jesus was baptised too. As he was praying, heaven was opened.”

What Does Baptism Mean?

  • Baptism is an outward confession of an inward decision.
  • Baptism is a command. Everyone who confesses Christ should be baptised.
  • Baptism comes from the word “baptise” which means to immerse.
  • Baptism represents a burial of the old way of life and mindset.
  • Baptism is not a prerequisite to salvation.
  • Baptism doesn’t get you to heaven… it announces to your friends you are headed to heaven.

Why Get Baptised?

  1. I understand what Jesus did on the Cross for me.
  2. I understand that Jesus was baptised and he is my example.
  3. I identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Sign Up to be Baptised

If you would like to be water baptised, please let us know.